Don't invest in 40-60 stocks, your portfolio will become zoo of stocks with mediocre result. Do not get tempted to shoot at anything small.
Money trees (source of passive income via stock portfolio concentrated 4-5 stocks or diversified 15-16 stocks max), businesses, and systems are not built overnight. It takes time and “commitment” is like water, sun, fertilizer and cultivation for your money tree. The creation of a vibrant business is like raising a child from birth to adulthood. Like a parent has to commit to their children, you must commit to your system and your business.
One hit is all it takes, and you could be set for life.
There is a profound difference between interest (most investors who wish to make big money) and commitment (few investors who are already acting on it). Commitment is defined by the quality and consistency of your actions.
Interest reads annual report, presentations, research reports etc.; commitment applies the it and makes 10-50x returns. Interest wants to start a investing; commitment goes ahead and opens a DEMAT account. Interest buys an expensive car; commitment rides a bike and puts the money into his system/business/portfolio. Interest is thinking to join our most innovative YIELD FOCUS Plan while commitment goes ahead and subscribes to it. Interest is looking rich; commitment is planning to be rich. You can have mediocre comfort now or meteoric comfort later. You can’t drive the road to wealth with breaks engaged. You have to take risks. Get uncomfortable and fail into progress.
Remember, change makes millionaires.
Opportunity (Best Stock Ideas) drives through you frequently, and when it does, you have to grab it and don’t let go. Evaluate the risk and take action. Unfortunately, opportunity (stock) doesn’t care about your timing. Opportunity doesn’t care about your circumstances, your life’s turmoil. It comes and goes of its own will, has a mind of its own, and it’s blind to predicaments. Opportunity comes dressed as CHANGES and CHALLENGES.
Let me conclude this with one of my favorite quote from Naval Ravikant…
FOCUS: “The more you know, the less you diversify.”