Market Cap ~ 150 Cr | FY20 PE < 10 Vs Industry PE ~ 60 | PB < 2 | M Cap/Sales < 1 | Proxy play to the healthcare theme with massive addressable market size and tailwinds - Stock up 165% in 18 months.
Micro-Cap Multibagger Stock Idea of Apr'21 (made public today) : Apollo Sindoori Hotels Ltd (NSE: APOLSINHOT, CMP = 576)
Note: Apollo Sindoori Hotels Ltd stock idea was published in Apr’21@ Rs 576 per share, as on today it is trading around Rs 1527 (Up 165% in 18 months) to all our PAID subscribers of Super 6 / Top 10 Plan where we identify 16 best-in-class small & mid-cap multibagger stocks in a year. Today we are making this report public for the benefit of all those clients who wish to join us. This is all-in-one company : Catering (Food & Beverages) + Facility Mgmt. (Housekeeping Services) + Cloud Kitchen + Co-Working + Bio-Medical Engineering, Cleansing, Janitorial Services etc. It’s buy & forget for next 3-5 years with 3-5x upside from CMP too. To join WhatsApp to +91 9354179604 (Sanjay Gupta)
Below mentioned write-up was shared with the clients in Apr’21…
🏆🏆🏆 Market Cap ~ 150 Cr | FY20 PE < 10 Vs Industry PE ~ 60 | PB < 2 | M Cap/Sales < 1 | Proxy play to the healthcare theme with massive addressable market size and tailwinds.
📌 All-in-One Company : Catering (Food & Beverages) + Facility Mgmt. (Housekeeping Services) + Cloud Kitchen + Co-Working + Bio-Medical Engineering, Cleansing, Janitorial Services etc.
📌 Core Business Segments (4 Verticals) + Faber Sindoori Management Services Private Limited (49%) + Olive & Twist Hospitality Private Limited (100%)
📌 Apollo Sindoori Hotels (M cap 150 Cr) belongs to Dr. Prathap C Reddy family group who are also the promoters of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd (M cap 45,000 Cr). Risk of corporate governance & risk of survival can be ruled out.
📌 The group used to derive 90% of its revenues from the Apollo Hospital business and is now targeting 40% from non-Apollo clients.
📌 400% increase in Gross Block in last 2 years. Expecting this to reflect in topline & bottom-line over the period. 👍
📌 Net Profit in last 6Y = 68 Cr Vs Cash from Operating Activity in last 6Y = 78 Cr -> Profit are converted into cash. ✌️
📌 5Y ROE 28%, 5Y Sales growth 7% & 5Y Profit growth 28%
📌 Promoter pledge zero, Consistent dividend paying, Debt/equity ~ 0.3,
📌 Stock is down 50% from all time high, available at deep discount. 👌
📌 Dalal Street veteran with over 45 years experience who has mastered the art of picking big compounders - Anmol Sekhri - 1.28% & Anmol Sekhri Consultants - 1.51% holds stake.
💥💥💥 In short, company management has sharpen its focus, further streamline their operations, going to improve RoE, improve growth and definitely the company will be multibagger in future.
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